Elizabeth Gresson
Mobile: +64 22-137-6902
Tel: +64 9-379-8330
Email: Elizabeth@vulcanchambers.co.nz
Gifford’s Building, 25 Vulcan Lane, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010
PO Box 941, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140

Andrew Speed
Mobile: +64 27-473-9832
Phone: +64 9-379-8330
Fax: +64 9-379-6433
1st Floor, Gifford’s Building
25 Vulcan Lane
PO Box 941 Shortland Street Mail Centre Auckland 1140
New Zealand
Email: speed.law@xtra.co.nz
Admitted to the Bar in 1985. Criminal Defence Barrister for over 25 yrs
Andrew gives an uncompromising defence of your interests at whatever level the charge.
Andrew’s experience is broad and successful, ranging from the Court of Appeal, High Court and District Court.
Andrew has represented defendants on successful acquittals on charges of Murder, Class A B and C drug trials including Manufacturing and Supply and large Electronic Operations; Fraud; Tax; Transport; Customs; Firearms and all manner of criminal prosecutions.
Successes in the Court of Appeal include R v Williams (The leading case on Search and Seizure), R v O’Hara, R v Ali’imatafitafi and R v Hill (Leading case on Home Detention as a Sentence).
Andrew prefers solicitor instructions but is available to take on all categories of legal aid work; however, legal aid is not generally available for cases where imprisonment is unlikely unless there are some complicating factors.
Andrew will meet with you at the earliest opportunity to discuss the conduct of your case and is always available to meet and talk about your case by appointment. He understands that facing criminal prosecution is a journey into the unknown for many people and their supporters. He will always take time to explain the necessary steps to obtain the fairest and most just result for every client.
Andrew’s work also includes civil and administrative law cases.

Dr. Elizabeth M. Gresson
Mobile: +64 22-137-6902
Phone: +64 9-379-8330
1st Floor, Gifford’s Building
25 Vulcan Lane
PO Box 941 Shortland Street Mail Centre Auckland 1140
Email: elizabeth@vulcanchambers.co.nz
Gresson Law: www.gressonlaw.com
Dr Elizabeth Gresson is a barrister at Vulcan Chambers Auckland and Emeritus Professor RMIT University Melbourne. Elizabeth works in criminal, and civil law matters arising in education, and refugee and protection.
Elizabeth brings a wealth of life experience to law. She attends to any matter with insight and wisdom to achieve the best outcomes for her clients. Coming from legal families, Gresson and Grierson, she has deep respect for the workings of justice and the legal system.
Elizabeth is a good communicator and strong advocate. She is an experienced researcher, makes astute analysis of legal issues, and writes clear submissions. She is well published in law and education.
Qualifications: PhD (Auckland), Juris Doctor with Distinction (Melbourne), MA 1st Cl Hons, BA (Auckland), Grad Dip Legal Practice (Victoria), Diploma in Teaching (NZ), Licentiate Diploma Speech Communication (NZ), Associate Trinity College (London).
Appointments: Emeritus Professor RMIT University (Australia); Life Fellow of Royal Society of Arts (UK); InSEA World Councillor, Asia-Pacific Region.
Memberships: Criminal Bar Association, New Zealand Law Society, Auckland Law Society, Auckland Women Lawyers’ Association, Australia New Zealand Education Law Association, Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia.
Elizabeth was first admitted as a lawyer at the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia, and was admitted to the roll of the High Court of New Zealand as a Barrister and Solicitor under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act in 2016.
She appears at the District Courts of Auckland, Manukau, Waitakere, North Shore, and in the High Court; is a Duty Lawyer at Manukau District Court, and a Legal Aid Provider; and is available for private clients.
For careful and vigilant representation of your legal matter contact Elizabeth.

Graeme Little SC (Australia)
Tel: +64 9-379-8330
1st Floor, Gifford’s Building
25 Vulcan Lane
PO Box 941 Shortland Street Mail Centre Auckland 1140
Email: :glittle.chambers@xtra.co.nz
In the course of over 50 years as a barrister Graeme has appeared in over 7000 cases in very diverse areas ranging from major criminal jury trials and appeals, civil actions and appeals to the New Zealand Court of Appeal, appellate courts of states and territories of Australia and the High Court of Australia. He has also done claims for prerogative relief in the Superior Courts of Australia and New Zealand, constitutional law and a constitutional case in the Court of Appeal of New Zealand where the Court held it had the power to discharge a criminal indictment because of abuse of process by the executive, a decision that overturned nearly 200 years of authority to the contrary. This case subsequently was followed and expressly approved by the House of Lords and many other countries including those of civil jurisdiction. Graeme has also argued choice of law/conflict of law issues in appellate courts in a number of leading cases and important issues of insurance law.
Graeme took silk in New South Wales in 2000 and has practised actively at the bar in Australia and more latterly in New Zealand since then.

John Mather
Phone: +64 9-489-8947
1st Floor, Gifford’s Building
25 Vulcan Lane
PO Box 941 Shortland Street Mail Centre Auckland 1140
Email: john@vulcanchambers.co.nz
John is an independent lawyer who has appeared successfully in Courts and Tribunals up to and including the Supreme Court of New Zealand.
While John’s focus is on work in the criminal courts, including jury trials, he has extensive experience in all areas of law.
John’s experience and success speak for him.
He is available for all Criminal matters and Civil and Estate work.

Kevin Lamb
Mobile: +64 204-002-1954
Tel: +64 9-379-8330
1st Floor, Gifford’s Building
25 Vulcan Lane
PO Box 941 Shortland Street Mail Centre Auckland 1140
Email: kevin@vulcanchambers.co.nz
Kevin Lamb is a criminal lawyer based at Vulcan Chambers; Criminal Law is his specialty area; He has strong qualifications from the University of Auckland, and a life experience working in various facets of law. He has a passion for law and achieving the best possible outcome for his clients.
Kevin specialises in:
Crimes Act 1961
Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
Land Transport Act 1998
Family Violence Protection Act 2008
Dog Control Act 1996
Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons) Act 2003
Parole Act 2002
Bail Act 2000
Kevin is part of a well-established chambers and if he cannot personally attend to your matter, he will certainly be able to direct you to other members of the chambers who will be able to attend to your needs.

Jaime-Anne Tulloch
Mobile: +64 27-419-8633
Phone: +64 9-379-8330
1st Floor, Gifford’s Building
25 Vulcan Lane
PO Box 941 Shortland Street Mail Centre Auckland 1140
Email: ja@jatulloch.co.nz
Jaime-Anne specialises in criminal defence. She regularly appears in the District and High Courts for matters concerning bail, name suppression, applications for discharge without conviction, and defended hearings (both judge alone and jury). She is an experienced appellate lawyer, having both led and assisted with a number of appeals, including at Supreme Court level.
Jaime-Anne began her legal career as a judges’ clerk in Northland before she moved to the independent bar as an employed barrister and now barrister sole specialising in defending allegations of serious fraud, violence, drug supply and manufacturing.
Jaime-Anne is client focused and works closely with clients and professional support services, to ensure effective case management and to optimise outcomes.
Jaime-Anne accepts private instructions and is an approved legal aid provider (PAL 3 and Court of Appeal/Supreme Court).